Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Botanic Bliss

Two months later, I am away from the madness of my beloved hometown (Karachi) and roaming around the scenic landscape of a Botanic Garden in Auckland. I see acres of green grass sprinkled with the most basic and exotic trees, streams running across meadows and the plants laden with real fruit. The rose bushes with their flowers in cream and every hue of pink remind me of so much of the stories in the classic Jane Austin and Judith Mcnaught books that I read and re-read in my school days. The kids were as excited as I am surprisingly, the beauty of mother nature inspiring their minds and take them away from those blasted screens.We saw veggies, rainbow spinach, turnips peeking from the ground, carrot tops and eggplants. I am quite sure somebody's been picking the ripe ones, cuz I couldn't spot a single ripe veg, and there were quite a few plants there!